Brazil Team Visit


“At the age of 60, I have never owned a toothbrush. I am so excited to have one for the first time in my life!” Jane, a beneficiary, said excitedly.

Entepesi Kenya and Brazilian Group Collaboration Unveiled!

From October 25 to November 1st, a total of 7 Staff and Students from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil traveled to Kenya to work with Entepesi Kenya (EK).  This team consisted of speech pathologists, ears, nose, and throat (ENT) doctors, dentists, and a medical surgeon. EK was very excited to collaborate with this group and the local ministry of health to serve the communities of Loitokitok, Nkama, Kilkelewa, and Enterara. 


Through a series of 5 work days, the two dentists, Letycia & Nailson, were able to clean, examine, and treat dental cavities for 92 patients. Each patient received a personal toothbrush to take home and some floss to take good care of their teeth. With the value of prevention education, each patient was directed on how to have good oral hygiene for the prevention of other dental illnesses.


The two doctors were also quite busy with this trip. Dr. Sergio and Dr. Marcos evaluated and served 151 ENT patients, 29 medical patients, and 2 surgeries were assisted at Loitokitok Hospital. Every patient was given time and care people desire when seeing a doctor for illness. These patients received treatments when able and were given directions on where they could seek further assistance within Kenya. 

Good news! A woman shared with a nurse at Loitokitok Hospital her story of impacted change because of the work this group had come to do. Her mother had been having trouble hearing for many years. So long that she never owned a phone due to the inability of being able to hear well. After visiting Dr. Sergio and receiving treatment, she was now able to hear again. The daughter was so excited she bought a phone immediately to be able to call her mom whenever she wanted!


The three speech pathologists, Magali, Leticia, and Giovanni, did an amazing job screening 103 men, women, and children for hearing loss. They were able to give referrals for people with profound hearing loss to get further testing and treatments. Many of these people did not know how to get the assistance they needed until they attended EK outreaches. 

Entepesi Kenya values health education, and we were blown away at the amount of knowledge this group brought to the communities. A total of 233 community members received information about hearing loss and stroke prevention, and an additional 25 people were trained on how to perform CPR. Both the local health staff and communities were grateful for this opportunity to learn and help them identify serious health issues for loved ones or neighbors. 


We at Entepesi Kenya are grateful to work with this amazing team of seven medical professionals from Brazil. We look forward to more opportunities to serve together!

Entepesi Kenya (EK) visits Kimana Mixed Day Secondary School For Health Education and Sanitary Pad Donations.

Entepesi Kenya (EK) visits

Kimana Mixed Day Secondary School For Health Education and Sanitary Pad Donations!


donate pads


On Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

EK visited Kimana Mixed day secondary school to provide health education on topics of Mental Health Awareness and Sexual Reproductive Health, teaching a total of 273 students and three staff at the school. It is alarming that the rates of suicide and teen pregnancy are steadily rising in Kenya in the past five years. 

“In Kenya, the WHO data estimates that 408 people die by suicide yearly. However, the figures could be high due to underreporting since it has largely been stigmatized” (Addressing rising suicide cases). 

The above article continues to report that for every person who commits suicide, 135 people are affected as a result. This is a growing problem in Kenya which needs awareness and ways to encourage the community to seek help for themselves or others when struggling emotionally with depression and life’s challenges. 

According to, “The teenage pregnancy and motherhood rate in Kenya stands at 18%. This implies that about 1 in every five teenage girls between the ages of 15-19 years have either had a live birth or are pregnant with their first child. The rate increases rapidly with age from 3% among girls aged 15 to 40% among girls aged 19” (Teenage Pregnancy Policy Brief ). 

As these numbers rise, Kenya will see a rise in young girls dropping out of school as young mothers and an increase in households living in poverty due to a lack of education. 




Prevention is KEY!

Entepesi Kenya believes that prevention is necessary to provide quality health for everyone. One way to have a significant impact on prevention is through health education. 

Taking the time to educate and teach on topics to help prevent mental illnesses, teenage pregnancy, or the contraction of HIV/AIDS has a long-term impact on these students. Our goal is to educate and empower them to take ownership of their health and choices and speak up for help or others in need.


donate for health education

Kimana Mixed Day Secondary School welcomed us with grateful hearts!

A secondary-level day school in Kimana town has a population of 400 students, 273 of whom received health education and had opportunities to ask questions about what they learned. We had over 30 questions about menstrual health, safe sex, how to avoid having sex under the pressures of others, and how to ask for help when they are emotionally struggling. 

In addition to the education, EK provided 45 girls with sanitary pads and left the school with a small supply for emergency cases that may arise. A total of 124 packs of sanitary pads were supplied. 

We are grateful to all those who contributed to this cause.  We kindly request your support as we take this noble education to other schools in Kajiado, Kenya.

Entepesi Kenya (EK) Supports Developing Workers in Medical Camps at Zanzibar!

Entepesi Kenya (EK) Supports Developing Workers in Medical Camps at Zanzibar!



Developing Workers (DW) held medical camps on the Island of Zanzibar from September 3-9, 2022. Developing workers had a large team of 34 people but felt the need to involve EK to support the second-day clinic.

Zanzibar has approximately 30% of the population currently living in poverty. Even further, “66% of the children experience multidimensional (being deprived of things such as health, nutrition, education, and protection) poverty, while 35% are affected by monetary poverty” (Unicef, Understanding Child Poverty in Zanzibar).

Multidimensional poverty prevents access to basic needs in a child’s life. This is why it is incredibly important to approach the medical camps with a holistic approach. During each clinic each patient receives 

  • Nutritional evaluation: this screens for malnutrition in children, especially those under the age of 5;
  • Community Safety Initiative (CSI): this area screens for social-emotional traumas and evaluates each patient for a need for counseling, follow-up, and continued support. These cases screen for physical, emotional, mental abuses and outside trauma situations that need weekly or monthly support; 
  • Diagnostic evaluations by doctors and nurses: Alongside local physicians, the team of medical personnel evaluates and diagnoses the basic health needs. Referrals to local hospitals and further testing needed are also done in this part of the clinic;
  • Deworming & vitamins: each patient receives deworming medicine, vitamin A, a toothbrush, and a month’s worth of multivitamins;
  • Pharmacy for treatments: based on the doctor’s diagnosis, medicine is provided;
  • Spiritual counseling: each patient has the opportunity to hear the gospel and truth of Jesus Christ, and prayer is offered in case of need.

With a total of 11 full days of clinic each patient that came through received this holistic approach to health. The team was able to serve 1,465 men, women, and children for treatments, 78 of whom identified as needing social-emotional support and follow-up for the community safety initiative, and 52 people gave their lives to Christ. 

EK considers this another great success in partnership with the Developing Workers Team. Their unique approach to health aligns well with Entepesi Kenya’s mission and values. We are always excited to work with this group, and welcome other partners to work with us.

#didyouknow that 1.4% of blindness is caused by Trachoma?

#didyouknow that 1.4% of blindness is caused by Trachoma?

We are glad that EK was able to join the Ministry of Health for mass treatment of Trachoma in Kajiado County to both treat the positive cases, but also to stop the quick spread. 


Trachoma is a highly contagious eye infection that causes small sores on the inside of the eyelid. Repeat infections will leave scars and a deformity in the eyelid, which then starts to damage the lens of the eye; leading to blindness. 


This bacteria can be passed through dust, flies, and by touch. It is important to have a clean face and hands while making sure your home is clean, far from animal pens (to reduce flies), and you go for treatment when symptoms arise.


The WHO recommends that the percentage of positive cases in an area should be less than 5%, but last year the rate went as high as 10.71% of children ages 1-9 years in Kajiado County. Because of this outbreak, the WHO provided medication for mass treatment in Kajiado County to both treat the positive cases, but also to stop the quick spread. 

This mass treatment is taking place in three parts. 

  1. December 2021 a 7-day push for treatments of all people living in Kajiado County.
  2. August 2022 a second 7-day push to treat all people living in Kajiado County.
  3. Spring of 2023 a third 7-day push to treat all people living in Kajiado County.

Entepesi Kenya was able to assist in the second 7-day push to provide treatments to men, women, and children and support the teams administering the medication. For three days, EK assisted in the Kimana Ward. We were able to walk door to door educating people about trachoma, handing out medication to 580 adults & children, delivering medical supplies to teams far from town, and providing support to the Kimana Health Center.


The overall goal for the Kimana Ward was to serve 18,575 adults & children. During this campaign, they succeeded in reaching 76% of their target which was a total of 14,100 adults and children. 


EK is proud to serve the community, and for the partnership with the Ministry of Health.

Entepesi Kenya Trains 3 Schools in Mental Health Awareness!




















Entepesi Kenya Trains 3 Schools in Mental Health Awareness!

Entepesi Kenya in partnership with Lala Salama, a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands, provided Mental Health awareness to three primary schools in Makueni County, Kenya. 


May was a mental health awareness month. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 people suffers from a common mental disorder; depression and anxiety are the most common (Ministry of Health, Kenya).

Data from the World Bank puts suicide mortality rates in Kenya at 6.1 people in every 100,000, with men being in the highest risk category, with 9.1 men in every 100,000 affected. Globally, 703 000 people take their own life every year, with the WHO stating that suicide was the fourth leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds in 2019. (Global Development)

Lala Salama provides porridge to Kongo, Kathiani, and Mbukoni Primary Schools. When they were visiting the schools, they invited us to come alongside to provide important health-related education to the staff and children at these schools!


With a population of over 250 at each school, EK taught 559 students (from classes 4-8) and staff about the importance of taking care of our minds and mental health. As an introduction to mental health, we focused on the basics to understand what mental health is and how to have a healthy mind. We encouraged the staff and students to be open about how they feel with someone they trust like a parent, teacher, or pastor. 


This is a major step forward in helping spread the importance of Mental Health! 

To partner with Entepesi Kenya visit our website:

Entepesi Kenya Reaches More People with Menstrual Health Education!


Entepesi Kenya (EK) Holds Five Medical Outreaches in Kajiado Central!

Entepesi Kenya (EK) Holds Five Medical Outreaches in Kajiado Central!

During the week of April 24th to April 30th, EK implemented five medical outreaches in Kikurru, Impiro, Ewangan, Enkorika, and Orinie in Kajiado Central. These were only possible through partnerships with Developing Workers (DW) organization, local Baptist Churches, and the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The camps provided the community with safety screenings, medical examinations, nutrition, pharmacy, physical therapy, spiritual counseling, and more! 

It was a great experience to work side by side with all of the skilled health professionals, community health volunteers, church members, and Pastors. Every individual that worked/volunteered at the events gave their best efforts to serve the people in need. 

In only FIVE days the group was able to accomplish the following:

  • 1024 adults and children examined and treated;
  • 1142 people were dewormed;
  • 146 provided medical referrals for further treatment;
  • 3 family planning given;
  • 10 Community Safety Interventions identified for counseling/emotional support; 
  • 208 Tested for HIV/AIDS with only 3 positives who received counseling;
  • 4 children received routine immunizations;
  • 78 people went through physical therapy education.

As the community went through the clinic each person was offered prayer and counseling. Throughout the week 35 people choose to give their lives to Christ! 

Our gracious host, Pastor Wilson of the Namayian Church shared wisdom with the team,  “We treat the people, but God heals them!”

Entepesi Kenya seeks to provide quality healthcare services that each person deserves through nurturing partnerships. With the partnership of Developing Workers, local Baptist Churches, and the Ministry of Health (MoH), we are a step closer to succeeding. You too can partner with us to support needy communities in Kajiado county, go to


Group photo with the Developing Workers Team & Entepesi Kenya!


A typical day at the medical outreach… sitting in groups under the tents!

Polong, the Community Health Assistant, helping test for HIV.



On Friday, November 26th Entepesi Kenya (EK) traveled for a second time this year to Olbili village in Kajiado County, Kenya. During the camp, EK focused on nutritional health for women and children under the ages of 5 years and provided COVID-19 vaccines for all. 


 The WHO published an article called “Nutrition and Breastfeeding Promotion” providing facts about undernutrition and the negative consequences for maternal, newborn, and child health. According to WHO:


“Many women in Africa suffer from chronic undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies and fail to gain enough weight during pregnancy. The consequences of malnutrition for mothers include increased risk of death, illness, and complications during pregnancy and childbirth, greater susceptibility to infection, reduced activity levels, and lower productivity. Maternal malnutrition increases the risk of stillbirths and newborn deaths, intrauterine growth restriction, low birth weight (LBW), preterm birth, and birth defects. Each year, more than four million LBW babies are born in Africa.” (You can read the full article here: Nutrition & Breastfeeding Promotion)


In a poverty-stricken area, such as Olbili, malnutrition is a high-risk problem for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, and children. During this camp, EK was able to test and treat 9 children under the age of five, and six mothers. Of those women, two were malnourished, they were provided with necessary supplements and the other 4 were educated on proper nutrition for themselves and their children. 


The other service EK organized was COVID-19 Vaccinations. During this camp, the Inchalai Health Facility provided 10 Johnson & Johnson vaccines and an additional 10, second-dose, shots of the Astra-Zenica vaccine provided to local primary school teachers. 


Kenya’s president, Uhuru Kenyatta, made a presidential announcement that citizens will not be able to receive government or public services without being vaccinated. EK decided to support the local health clinics to provide a way for the rural communities to receive the vaccines.


Currently, educating and encouraging these rural community members about the coronavirus and the COVID-19 vaccines is the first step in assisting these people. We are grateful to be a part of this community and to be able to serve the quality health services they deserve. 

Summary of services provided:

  • 85 Lower-Primary Level Children Dewormed
  • 35 Adults & Children provided diagnoses & treatments for illnesses
  • 20 Covid-19 Vaccines administered 
  • 9 children under 5 years of age evaluated and treated by the Nutritionist
  • 4 women educated in nutritional health and treated for malnutrition
  • 6 women served with Family Planning Education/treatment
  • 12 infants & young girls were provided with immunizations and HPV vaccines


Entepesi Kenya’s First Medical Camp & Training at Olbili Village a Success!

“Entepesi Kenya’s medical camp came at the right time when the community needed it most. I am pleased that Entepesi Kenya, from the start, knew the importance of  collaborating with the community, Ministry of Health, and all the legal offices to support these rural villages.”
-Jonah Simanka, local Community Health Administrator

Entepesi Kenya’s First Medical Camp & Training at Olbili Village a Success!

Last week, Entepesi Kenya (EK) in partnership with Kilimanjaro Mission Hospital (KMH), the Loitokitok District Hospital, and the local village clinic held its first medical camp in Olbili village, Kajiado.

We are grateful that 485 men, women, and children received medical services and training. They were served with preventative care services like deworming and immunizations, plus treatments for minor illnesses. EK and the partners used the opportunity to train the community members on family planning and visited Olbili Primary school & the neighboring  Leinkati village primary school to provide health education, deworming medicine, and HPV vaccines to prevent cervical cancer in young girls. 

Olbili Village

Olbili community has a population of approximately 300 men, women, and children, with only one clinic. Most of these people have to travel 14 Kilometers or more to access medical services. This leads the community to depend on uncertain rudimental/traditional methods of treatment or travel a long distance to the hospital, with the risk of wildlife attacks. The children suffer from a lack of necessary immunizations or malnutrition, and an inability to access health education, like family planning, and health sanitation. Subject to funding, EK has seen the need to hold monthly medical camps and training in this community.


We are grateful to our partners, Inchalai Health Dispensary (the closest local health facility), volunteers, and Kilimanjaro Mission Hospital (KMH) whose support is deeply appreciated and valued. KMH is located in the village of Kimana, Kenya at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro. KMH serves a rural community where good, reliable healthcare is difficult to obtain. KMH aims to provide primary health care services and education in the spirit of the healing ministry of Christ.

We are incredibly grateful to all those who helped make this a success.


To support Entepesi Kenya in the November 26th medical camp at Olbili, Click Here.





Men, Women, & Children treated at the medical camp


Children Dewormed at School

(Olbili & Leinkati Primary)


Immunization & HPV Vaccines given


Children 0-5 years evaluated by the Nutritionist


Men & Women educated on Family Planning