Entepesi Kenya and Brazilian Group Collaboration Unveiled!

From October 25 to November 1st, a total of 7 Staff and Students from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil traveled to Kenya to work with Entepesi Kenya (EK).  This team consisted of speech pathologists, ears, nose, and throat (ENT) doctors, dentists, and a medical surgeon. EK was very excited to collaborate with this group and the local ministry of health to serve the communities of Loitokitok, Nkama, Kilkelewa, and Enterara. 

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Entepesi Kenya visits Kimana Mixed Day School for Health Education and Pads Donations!

On Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 EK visited Kimana Mixed day secondary school to provide health education on topics of Mental Health Awareness and Sexual Reproductive Health, teaching a total of 273 students and three staff at the school. 

 It is alarming that the rates of suicide and teen pregnancy are steadily rising in Kenya in the past five years. 

“In Kenya, the WHO data estimates that 408 people die by suicide yearly. However, the figures could be high due to underreporting since it has largely been stigmatized” (Addressing rising suicide cases). 

Entepesi Kenya (EK) Supports Developing Workers in Medical Camps at Zanzibar!

Developing Workers (DW) held medical camps on the Island of Zanzibar from September 3-9, 2022. Developing workers had a large team of 34 people but felt the need to involve EK to support the second-day clinic.

Zanzibar has approximately 30% of the population currently living in poverty. Even further, “66% of the children experience multidimensional (being deprived of things such as health, nutrition, education, and protection) poverty, while 35% are affected by monetary poverty” (Unicef, Understanding Child Poverty in Zanzibar).

Read the full article


#didyouknow that 1.4% of blindness is caused by Trachoma?

We are glad that EK was able to join the Ministry of Health for mass treatment of Trachoma in Kajiado County to both treat the positive cases, but also to stop the quick spread. 

Trachoma is a highly contagious eye infection that causes small sores on the inside of the eyelid. Repeat infections will leave scars and a deformity in the eyelid, which then starts to damage the lens of the eye; leading to blindness.


Entepesi Kenya Trains 3 Schools in Mental Health Awareness!

Entepesi Kenya in partnership with Lala Salama, a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands, provided Mental Health awareness to three primary schools in Makueni County, Kenya. 

May was a mental health awareness month. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 people suffers from a common mental disorder; depression and anxiety are the most common (Ministry of Health, Kenya).


Entepesi Kenya Reaches More People with Menstrual Health Education!

Entepesi Kenya, focusing on health, has created an education program to teach both girls and boys about menstrual health.

Education on Menstrual Health for young girls is a part of the school curriculum, but at many times is skipped over due to the cultural implications. Talking about one’s body and changes that happen as a child is even looked at as uncomfortable and embarrassing at times.


Entepesi Kenya (EK) Holds Five Medical Outreaches in Kajiado Central!

During the week of April 24th to April 30th, EK implemented five medical outreaches in Kikurru, Impiro, Ewangan, Enkorika, and Orinie in Kajiado Central. These were only possible through the partnership of the Developing Workers (DW) organization, local Baptist Churches, and the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The camps provided the community with safety screenings, medical examinations, nutrition, pharmacy, physical therapy, spiritual counseling, and more! 



On Friday, November 26th Entepesi Kenya (EK) traveled for a second time this year to Olbili village in Kajiado County, Kenya. During the camp, EK focused on nutritional health for women and children under the ages of 5 years and provided COVID-19 vaccines for all.

Entepesi Kenya’s First Medical Camp & Training at Olbili Village a Success!

Last week, Entepesi Kenya (EK) in partnership with Kilimanjaro Mission Hospital (KMH), the Loitokitok District Hospital, and the local village clinic held its first medical camp in Olbili village, Kajiado.

We are grateful that 485 men, women, and children received medical services and training. They were served with preventative care services like deworming and immunizations, plus treatments for minor illnesses.


Entepesi Kenya Partners with Kilimanjaro Mission Hospital to Support Staff Development

Last week, Entepesi Kenya partnered with Kilimanjaro Mission Hospital (KMH) to train its employees. The training took place over a series of five days since they opened and covered topics such as leadership, customer service, effective communication, conflict resolution, and workplace personalities.