Entepesi Kenya Trains 3 Schools in Mental Health Awareness!
Entepesi Kenya in partnership with Lala Salama, a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands, provided Mental Health awareness to three primary schools in Makueni County, Kenya.
May was a mental health awareness month. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 people suffers from a common mental disorder; depression and anxiety are the most common (Ministry of Health, Kenya).
Data from the World Bank puts suicide mortality rates in Kenya at 6.1 people in every 100,000, with men being in the highest risk category, with 9.1 men in every 100,000 affected. Globally, 703 000 people take their own life every year, with the WHO stating that suicide was the fourth leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds in 2019. (Global Development)
Lala Salama provides porridge to Kongo, Kathiani, and Mbukoni Primary Schools. When they were visiting the schools, they invited us to come alongside to provide important health-related education to the staff and children at these schools!
With a population of over 250 at each school, EK taught 559 students (from classes 4-8) and staff about the importance of taking care of our minds and mental health. As an introduction to mental health, we focused on the basics to understand what mental health is and how to have a healthy mind. We encouraged the staff and students to be open about how they feel with someone they trust like a parent, teacher, or pastor.
This is a major step forward in helping spread the importance of Mental Health!
To partner with Entepesi Kenya visit our website: Www.entepesikenya.org/partner-with-us